Joel's dev blog

Using foresic tools (1): process explorer, process monitor, and autoruns

May 19, 2018

3 min read


Process explorer

Submit to VirusTotal to check hash

Process Explorer -> Options -> -> Check


Executables with high ratio mean higher chance of malicious behaviour. The ratio is the number of virus engines that recognized the executable as a malicious software divided by total number of virus engines. If the ratio is 1/67, it is probably a false positive, but if it’s more than that, it’s worth doubting.


If you want to delete the program, stop the program on boot using Autoruns and then delete it.

Verify image signatures

Process Explorer -> Options -> Verify image signatures

Process monitor

Registry operations


Retrieves information about the specified registry key.


Closes the specified registry key.


Closes the specified registry key.


Opens the specified registry key.


Creates the specified registry key. If the key already exists in the registry, the function opens it.


Enumerates the subkeys of the specified open registry key. The function retrieves the name of one subkey each time it is called.

Full list of proc mon operations

CloseFile CreateFile CreateFileMapping DeviceIoControl FileSystemControl FlushBuffersFile Load Image LockFile NotifyChangeDirectory Process Create Process Exit Process Profiling Process Start QueryAllInformationFile QueryAttributeInformationVolume QueryAttributeTagFile QueryBasicInformationFile QueryDeviceRelations QueryDirectory QueryEAFile QueryFileInternalInformationFile QueryFullSizeInformationVolume QueryInformationVolume QueryNameInformationFile QueryNetworkOpenInformationFile QueryNormalizedNameInformationFile QueryObjectIdInformationVolume QueryOpen QueryPositionInformationFile QueryRemoteProtocolInformation QuerySecurityFile QuerySizeInformationVolume QueryStandardInformationFile QueryStreamInformationFile ReadFile

@@@@@@@@@@@@ RegCloseKey RegCreateKey RegDeleteKey RegDeleteValue RegEnumKey RegEnumValue RegLoadKey RegOpenKey RegQueryKey RegQueryKeySecurity RegQueryMultipleValueKey RegQueryValue RegSetInfoKey RegSetKeySecurity RegSetValue @@@@@@@@@@@

SetAllocationInformationFile SetBasicInformationFile SetDispositionInformationFile SetEndOfFileInformationFile SetPositionInformationFile SetRenameInformationFile SetSecurityFile TCP Accept TCP Connect TCP Disconnect TCP Receive TCP Reconnect TCP Retransmit TCP Send TCP TCPCopy Thread Create Thread Exit UDP Receive UDP Send UnlockFileSingle WriteFile

Use filter to narrow down to the thing

Process monitor -> Filter -> Filter -> Include / Exclude


Operations to watch over

Process Create
Process Start
TCP Connect
TCP Receive
Load Image
Access Denied

Filter by Path contains suspiciousExecutable.

Filter by Path contains "\Run"

Use process tree to find out any children processes exist

Process monitor -> Tools -> Process tree

Use Jump to to see the registry change directly on regedit.

2 3

Additional tips

  • Stop capturing at first and set the filter first
  • See Tools -> ~ Summary (ex. Registry summary) to see which path has been made changes the most or do other useful operations.
  • Use the “target button” to directly select on the screen which process to monitor.


Scanning on VirusTotal and Verifying image signatures

Autoruns share the same function with process explorer. It can submit the hash to virusTotal and verify signatures as well:

Options -> Scan options -> Verify image signatures
Options -> Scan options -> Check

Jump to Image

Select application
Entry -> Jump to Image

Opens the directory where the selected application is at.

Jump to registry

Select application
Entry -> Jump to Entry

The suspicious look suspicious.

Suspicious files often do not have or have weird descriptions, and do strange registry operations.

Written by Joel Mun. Joel likes Typescript, React, Node.js, GoLang, Python, Wasm and more. He also loves to enlarge the boundaries of his knowledge, mainly by reading books and watching lectures on Youtube. Guitar and piano are necessities at his home.

© Joel Mun 2023