Your group's virtual assistant

What bothers you most when you hang out with your friends?

Coming up with what to eat sure is a big hassle.

Coming up with what to eat sure is a big hassle.

facebook messenger plus goop

Well good news folks, GOOP is your group's intelligent assistant.

Sounds like something new, right? Open your Facebook Messenger App, search "Goop AI" and Get Started right away!

Get GOOPBOT right now

We promise you, using GOOP means:

No installation
Absolutely Free and Forever Will Be
tons of fun for you and your friends!
Tons of fun for you and your friends!

What are you waiting for?

Get GOOPBOT right now

We know, all you want is food, not discussion.

intuitive search
Intuitive search
Forget about typing. GOOP's interactive interface allows preference expression over a tap of your finger. Easy.
intelligent recommendation algorithm
Intelligent recommendation algorithm
Now GOOP knows what everyone wants. It offers options that satisfy everyone. Works like magic, except it's real.
one-tap share
One-Tap Share
Found a recommendation that you like? Awesome, give it a tap and all the details will be shared into your group. No more hassle.
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